Monday, October 3, 2016

Tenement Scots

As a Scot, I'm not in the least bit insulted by John Cleese's 'half-educated tenement Scots' tweet, for it is aimed squarely at the Scottish unionist Journalist class who spend their lives ingratiating themselves with those in England who consider them second class citizens.

Overnight it has dawned on the criticised that it might not just be John Cleese that holds this elitist view of them as "obedient retainers" who crave "social status".

When we watch the likes of Andrew Neil and Fraser Nelson, or those that work in the unionist press, Scots don't see success stories, we see those who are 'bought and sold for English Gold'. We see those who actively work against Scottish self determination and fear our independence because their jobs depend on peddling the union. 

Cleese has flushed them out. There they are in their naked outrage screaming "racist!" when their hurt is nothing to do with race. Their hurt is at being called out as obsequious toadies who try to lose their Scottishness in order to fit in with the London Britnat Establishment. Gone are the rolled r's. Polished is the accent.

What Cleese has done is remind them that they are barely tolerated.


  1. .....they appear to have a lack of self awareness.

  2. Add to that Ruth Davidson's comment and we have Scottish Cringe at its worst.

  3. A very fair point which I missed during my knee jerk reaction. Thank Heavens for cool heads Mr Malky.

  4. A new take on the Grannies Heilin Hame crap,the biggest thing they fear is being found out as craven wretchs and sent home. Cleeses tenement jibe was fine but how many spies came from those same tennements and how many came from His Oxbridge circle.They have done more damage to there cherished green and pleasant land than a thousand dodgy jounalists, by they way I include there much loved royals.

  5. Nicely put, ah tae see themselves as ithers see them.

  6. Scots don't run their press though.

  7. Scots don't run their press though.

  8. Addressing Uncle Tam Foolery.

    Dear MSP’s,

    I was embarrassed to see Ruth Davidson, the self appointed, grovelling, Scottish apologist making what can only be termed ‘Uncle Tam’ asides to adhere herself to the English Tories.
    I grew up in a racist Britain where Scots were considered to be permanently drunk, aggressive and abusive and ending every conversation or argument with a head butt and a stream of unintelligible mutterings. Ruth Davidson, in her desperation to be accepted by her physical and metaphorical better, has revivified that stereotype, raising the ghosts of British Empirical dominance over Scotland and its people.
    As an Englishman I am often bemused by the ‘Scottish cringe’ but realise it is born from centuries of control and propaganda. I was pleased to see that half the nation during the referendum no longer had the ‘spasm of genuflection’ running through their spines. Clearly, there is still a lot of work to be done. I hope those of you still kneeling in the dirt can raise yourselves even slightly and give hope and honour back to the people you are representing.

    As for Ruth Davidson perhaps you can buy her some kneepads before the arthritis sets in.

    Ian Greenhalgh

    1. Many sincere thanks for your astute comments. I shared your embarrassment; being a Scot, I'm sure you'll understand. Ruth Davidson is an opportunistic careerist, a genuflecting toad in a long line which goes back as far as the Toom Tabard. We'll see the back of her kind Unknown, and sooner than you could possibly imagine. I look forward to the better society which we shall both share. Saor Alba and good future to you.

  9. As a certain J.M Barrie once wrote: "There is no sight as impressive as a Scotsman on the make."

  10. as a scot , how dare he generalise , dissapointed completlely in a man i idolised over a 30 year period , gutted in the inhummanity, and of his deliberately hurtful statement , wow

    1. He wasn't generalising. He was aiming his ire at a specific subset of unionist Journalists

  11. The thing that gets to me is the fact that anyone can portray such an obvious shame of their country (Scotland),what's there to be ashamed of?I could understand if Scotland was a country that carried out mean and notorious behaviour towards its own people,or any other people from other countries,when, in fact the reverse is true,she should be proud of the fact that Scotland gave most of today's inventions,in medicine,the telephone, television,bridge building,education,even the humble light bulb,she is not a true Scot,she's a disgrace to this country and shouldn't be the leader of her party,she's a traitor.

  12. The thing that gets to me is the fact that anyone can portray such an obvious shame of their country (Scotland),what's there to be ashamed of?I could understand if Scotland was a country that carried out mean and notorious behaviour towards its own people,or any other people from other countries,when, in fact the reverse is true,she should be proud of the fact that Scotland gave most of today's inventions,in medicine,the telephone, television,bridge building,education,even the humble light bulb,she is not a true Scot,she's a disgrace to this country and shouldn't be the leader of her party,she's a traitor.

    1. I'm absolutely delighted that your comment has been posted twice marjory. What you have expressed cannot be oversaid. Davidson is an abject failure in what she has set out to be; namely, a force in Scottish politics. Her habitual defeats at the hands of Scotland's First Minister in Holyrood are legion.

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